
FlowFerry specializes in offline web page preservation and transferring content to your digital garden. When you come across articles you like, simply enter the link, and you can easily save them to your knowledge management workflow, rather than just bookmarking them. You can also export them as offline files in various formats.

FlowFerry features a meticulously designed offline reading interface and serves as an excellent, minimalist read-it-later tool.

FlowFerry Can

If you have a habit of building a knowledge system or just have a penchant for collecting articles (hoarding syndrome), then FlowFerry is ideal for you as the first step in your information digestion process. It transforms the hot information on the web into cold information that can be saved, organized, and absorbed. Currently, FlowFerry supports saving to Notion, Google Drive, OneDrive, and exporting to PDF, HTML, and Markdown files.

If you enjoy reading articles online, such as from public accounts or websites, then FlowFerry is also suitable for you. Offline saved articles allow you to browse your previously saved content even when on a plane or subway.

FlowFerry Can't

We do not recommend using FlowFerry as your knowledge management tool but rather as a bridge. FlowFerry does not focus on annotating and noting articles or organizing knowledge. We recommend using tools like Notion, notes, Obsidian, etc.

Why We Create FlowFerry

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