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Transform web pages into your digital garden. Simple, beautiful, and offline-ready.

Discover FlowFerry

Save Web Pages

Easily save any web page with a simple input of the article link.

Beautiful Formatting

Transform articles into beautifully formatted, offline-ready content.

Multiple Integrations

Support for Notion, Google Drive, PDF, Obsidian, and more.

Minimalist Design

Clean and elegant interface for distraction-free reading.

Digital Garden

Build your knowledge base effortlessly with organized content.

Perfect for Readers

Ideal for avid readers and knowledge builders.

Rich Destination Support

FlowFerry integrates seamlessly with all your favorite apps and services.

All your go-to apps
fly with FlowFerry.

Simple Pricing



  • Basic web page saving
  • Standard formatting
  • Limited integrations
Most Popular



  • Advanced web page saving
  • Beautiful formatting
  • All integrations
  • Offline access
  • Priority support



  • All Pro features
  • One-time payment
  • Future updates included
  • VIP support